Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and I hope you will be able to learn more about daily life on an island.
My life is simple - I work full-time and in my free time I bake bread and do gardening.
Why bread? The answer to that is also simple - it is difficult to buy good quality bread that has no additives. If I make bread myself, I can choose the ingredients myself, and also make just enough for my family and to share with friends.
Why gardening? Mostly because I enjoy it! I am not a skillful gardener, but I like looking at the flowers and greenery outside my windows, and I am trying to grow some vegetables, herbs and fruit for my family to eat.
Why Miyako Island? The simple answer is because I love it here. No-where is perfect, but I have found the best place for me.
If you'd like to see Miyako from the air, please watch this YouTube video.
What a beautiful part of the world. Love your website!
Your cousin, Dianne